Track your Shipment(s)

Track upto 20 numbers (for best results) at a time separate by comma (,) or return (enter).

Our Services

We have different kinds of services for our multiple types of customers. Here are some of our services to provide our customers for best services.

International Courier Service

  • Pick-up & Delivery for Door to Door service
  • Use faster route/service of renowned networks
  • Customs clearance service
  • Parcel packaging and warehousing
  • Most competitive pricing
  • Global coverage and networks
  • Flexible pickup times
  • Critical shipment handling
  • 365 days customer service
  • Web base Tracking & POD

Logistic Solutions for e-Commerce

  • First Mile Pick up
  • Last Mile Delivery
  • Fulfillment Services
  • Pan Bangladesh Network
  • Cross Border Air/Sea/Road
  • International Trading (IOR/EOR)

Onboard Cuorier (OBC) Service

  • Pioneer in OBC service (BD-IN) since 1988
  • Every alternative day Hand Carry by Air
  • Additional/Special/Urgent flight on demand
  • Next day delivery to major cities
  • Inbound Customs clearance support
  • Door to Door service, no hidden charges
  • Special Service for medical doc or sample
  • Travel Doc (Passport/Visa) with proper permission
  • Messenger service
  • Web base tracking & hard copy POD

Value Added Services

  • Specialized support for critical shipments
  • NOC, Export Permit, Import Permit, CO etc
  • Customs support service
  • Holiday Delivery on demand
  • Export against import
  • Tailor-made transport and logistics solution

Satisfied Clients

We always try to serve our best for our clients. Here are some of our satisfied clients.
